Acupuncturists view each person as a dynamic and holistic being. Every atom, cell, tissue and organ is interrelated and interconnected, functioning as an integrated whole. Acupuncture helps...
Cosmetic Acupuncture

Cosmetic Acupuncture is a non-surgical face lift and an effective to reduce the signs of aging. It is based on the principles of Chinese Medicine, which involves the insertion of very thin disposable needles into the acupuncture points on the face. This superficial insertion will increase the local circulation to the face and stimulate collagen production, which will fill out the lines and give firmness to the skin for a healthy, glowing complexion.
Cosmetic Acupuncture can take 5-10 years off your face. It helps to eliminate fine lines and makes the deeper lines look softer. It also helps to minimize dark circles, puffy eyes, double chin, sagging skin, and dropping eyelids. Other benefits include:
- Relaxes muscle tone
- Increases circulation, therefore oxygenates the skin
- Increases collagen production
- Tightens the pores, and brightens the eyes
- Keeps acne skin under control
- Nourishes the skin, giving you a healthy complexion with a natural glow
- Moisturizes the skin from inside, and gives rosy cheeks to people with dull, tired looking skin
A 1996 report in the international journal of Clinical Acupuncture reported that among 300 cases treated with Cosmetic Acupuncture, 90% had marked effects with one course of treatment. The effects include: The skin becomes delicate, improvement of elasticity of facial muscles, ruddier complexion, and overall rejuvenation.

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