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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ac luctus ligula. Phasellus a ligula blandit – DesignThemes


  • 1Sinus Attack!
  • 2Seasonal affective disorder
  • 3Medicaid Eligibility
  • 4Sinus Attack!
  • 5Seasonal affective disorder
  • 6Medicaid Eligibility

Our Specialists

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Nisha Thadani, HOM, R.Ac

Nisha Thadani is a Homeopathic Physician and founder of Nika Natural Health International. Her honours research included studying homeopathic medicine in the treatment of Cancer. She has a diploma in Medical Acupuncture, a professional certificate in Cosmetic and Cellulite Acupuncture and is registered with The College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (CTCMPAO).

Nisha has a special interest in the mind-body connection and completed her clinical training in Mind-Body Medicine at Harvard Medical School. She believes the mind is a powerful tool and can be used to facilitate change in one’s life. Her aim is to encourage balance within both the body and the mind. ​

Recognizing the uniqueness of every individual, Nisha focuses on a personalized approach to health care. She utilizes natural medicine, acupuncture, mind-body medicine, clinical nutrition, and lifestyle counselling programs to help facilitate optimal health.

Homeopath and Registered Acupuncturist

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